So Between stuffing my face with some extra cheese pizza and waiting for Diddy to put the spotlight OFF himself The making the Band Finale wasn't half bad. I knew he was going to make us wait until the last three minutes before we knew who the actual band was.
What wasn't expected was the dropping of contestants as the show went on. I must say I'm very pleased to say our poll did very well.
The first person "
off'd" got the lowest score with 4% on our poll...poor Dyshon
Same with Jeremy who only got 17% here at TLk2me.
Our top five actually did make the band...So thanks to all our readers who were intereactive with our poll. And another Congratulations to
Willie- Probably the sex symbol of the group
Brian Andrews- Hopefully the 2nd lead singer but still my personal fav
Robert- most likely to be lead singer but dude cann blow so i'm not even mad
Qwanell- for some reason everyone likes but I juss don't see it ugh
Mike- who did the damn thing and is making a come up for big boys in da game.
as AfroMuffs called...the latest solo artist of Bad Boy Donnie. Good Call diddy...he had the talents, dreams, and personality to really be something great but at the same time I couldn't really see him in The Band. I'll be looking out for him tho...
I was shocked that diddy didn't drop Danity Kane yet, a la
Dream and
Da Band but they made an appearance last nite as well...reassuring us that they are still very much together
I see group duets in the future maybe?! lol that wud be hott
Speaking of together...
we all know Laurie Ann is out...but Last night Diddy introduce Jamaica..the new instructor...I hope Owanell still likes lol
Anywayz...I'm so happy the Band is MADE and I can't wait for them to get in the studio and make some music magic bad boy style