Saturday, August 11, 2007


I don't usualy admit jealousy like this but Zoe Kravitz is like the only person I'm jealous of other then...umm...Maddox-Jolie Pitt!

Both her parents are naturally...

Well Zoe discusses how she's prejudged

"It's an easy diss when people don't want to like me and want to say that I'm a brat," the 18-year-old beauty said in the new issue of Trace magazine. "You have people who only want to be your friend because of that, or you have those who say, 'Oh, Zoe thinks she is so cool cause her dad is...'"

Of course what she says is tru...but so what...she can't say she isn't previliged...all n all i like her...and I don't think she'll let acting take her in the wrong direction a la Lindsay Lohan.

This is def a chick we need to be watching out for...




Anonymous said...

why is she holdin a forty???????????

Anonymous said...

lol i kno rite...she's only 17

i kan't tell if its a candid or a modeling shot myself

Anonymous said...

isnt see sating shia labeouf?