Got something on your mind you wanna share? 'Fess up already. You can keep it on the down low, nobody has to know *cue R.Kelly.* Who do you like? Who can't you stand? What dirty little secrets do you want to divulge *cue Xscape*?
You know there are things you can't even tell your closest friends, why not let it all out anonymously to get it off your mind *cue Bobby Valentino*?
Come on, 'fess up College Confessions.
*Tlk2me is NOT responsible for the thouhts of others regardless how vulgar, shocking, or upsetting they may be. Don't get your feelings hurt or send massive emails asking for the identities of anonymous post. We do not know nor would give out that information. Be honest but please respect others and their posts this is meant to be a sharing experience for all.
Ite yo here go mines
I go University of Maryland CP
I took this girl out a couple of time. She in my AASP class and I was really feeling her but one day shorty farted......
it was over. I was done. I'm never answered shorty calls again and she still don't know why.
Girls Don't Fart...ever
Ok I have the biggest crush on this guy...who definitely has a girlfriend...and I'm considering to look OVER that and go after what I want! Hey its my 2nd to last year...why not?!?
So I was in McKeldin last tuesday around 10. saw one of the sexiest dudes i've ever seen on this campus. would it be a little too stalkeresque to go back there every tues around the same time to secretly look for him? I think it kinda would be tho. i have my limits.
i think i need to lose my virginity to this sexy ass guy that goes to my school (UMD)
There is this cutie with a bang'n body and today I stared at him all day at the diner. He saw me too and I didn't care. I just want him to lift me in the air with his big strong arms. Ok i'm doing the most rite now lol
that dude with the dreads that work at the chevy chase in the student union (AT UMD of course), i think his name is lance, is a BUNSKI. does anyone know him so they can put me on? pls and thank you.
This kid and I have something going on or so I thought but I just found out him and his ex are still talking. Not to sure what to do about it. I'm bout to do my thing and talk to his good friend. Yes its messed up and I'm not even like that, but why play myself?
I had sex in a dorm bathroom!!
so sex in a school BR is kinda out there!
on to other things!
I make this nerd white boy do all my math assignments for me :) I'm not expoilting him though I'm just give his big brian some extra practice...
Notre Dame
i cheated on every single college test ive eer takin...
somtimes i dont ware undeware...
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