So I guess what I predicted isn't going to happen. Michael Vick has been indefinetly suspended from the NFL.
Ohwell There is nothing that can be done about it now. Although meetings are set to be held...but I doubt America *Cough* white America *Cough* would ever let that happen.
And I guess it doesn't help any that other black celebrities are speaking out on it.
Jamie Foxx Had this to say:
“It’s a cultural thing, I think,” Jamie said. “Most brothers didn’t know that, you know. I used to see dogs fighting in the neighborhood all the time. I didn’t know that was Fed time. So, mike probably just didn’t read his handbook on what not to do as a black star.”
Well all I kno is Reggie Bush better play it safe...and I guess I feel a little bad for Sick VIck...I mean wats he going to do after jail now??! Sweep the floors of walmart?
yea yur rite micheal vick shuld cum bak nd get warning or w.e lik he shuld go to jail but i disagree wit him not comin bak to da nfl!
yea yur rite he shuld cum bak to da nfl but maybe stay n jail for a lil bit but i disagree wit all da thing of him not cumin bak he shuld cum bak hes a great star mite not be da favorte but to me he was i loved wacthin him play nd wen he ran into a touchdown da was da moment but yea dey made dere dicesion but i disagree wit it
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