Monday, July 30, 2007
He Gone!
Throwback Video
Anyways, Willie has since left the group, and the group has added new members. One of which is Drey Skonie.......aka Lewis from Making the Band, my favorite performer on the show. Check out this video introducing the new members.
Needless to say I will be watching MTB4 tonight at ten. :)
Can't Get Away from It
From One Hooch to Another

Obama on New Vibe Magazine Cover

Usher Wedding Called Off

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Da R's Closet

S0o0o Trapped in the closet did so well that R.Kelly, born Robert Kelly, is adding ten more tracks to the never ending story.
The Independent Film Channel (IFC) hooked up with da R to air the original 12 chapters and add ten more to eventually make a 22 series that will be available on their website.
"The 10 new "Trapped" installments features Kelly portraying an elderly man named Randolph, complete with a pot belly and a fake white beard that nearly falls off mid-scene, as well as a preacher in a gray Jheri-curl wig and garish orange suit, reports Billboard. Kelly's Sylvester character talks business with a "Sopranos"-esque mobster who is eating a giant plate of spaghetti, according to the trade."
Yea I admit I was into Trapped in the Closet, but really he taking it too far...I guess this is where your mind goes when you have child molestation charges pending and the outcome don't look good!
really though a preacher in a garish orange suit... wat does that mean?!?
oh that pic cuz in the fiesta video he says my name!!

Watch the trailer here! No seriously stop what your doing and watch it!
Its 3-d which usually makes me sick, but we all know Angelina is worth a my book anywayz
I read that shit-hole book in highschool and don't remember a damn thing...but I'll be watching when it comes out November 16th
P.S could Jolie possibly be the finest animated thing evaa...No Ani Homo!
T.J Holmes Please
T.J started reporting on the weekends for CNN in 2006 and is growing on my "damn he fione" list. He was married but when rumors of him and chili dating sparked he started doing the show without his ring...DAMN.
Well his wife should've done what she needed to do, because if he keeps up his popularity he'll be making millions just like Coopers.
Damn he is so fione...Check out this interview he did with My Urban Report. If your not interested in broadcasting and how he got his start then ffwd to 5:16 and hear him say "I like to think I'm bringing sexy back"
Lordy Lord knows i'd leave my family for this man...hahaha jk jk jk...I can say that cuz I don't have a family yet lol
Friday, July 27, 2007
Does anyone else care

Floetry No More?

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Have Your Parents Pull Out They Cellphones

The Life of Beyonce is So easy!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Girl Bang

Everyone's favorite Black groupie..urr Kim Kardashian gave an exclusice interview to one of my fav blogs...
It went kind of as expected...she claims she doesn't reeli do all those awful groupie activities and claims that she has some relevance in hollywood with her fashion business...
For those who don't know the trick...I mean CHICK...she was previously married from age 19-22 and when that ended she started dating Ray J exclusively...around the same time her famous father got sick.
Read the interview here!
All in all I did get a better understanding of her...well her constant presence and learned that she reads Bossip more then I do haha! buttt The only part I think was a tad shady was when he asked about my Reggie Baby
"Marv: Reggie Bush?
Kim: Um, We’re friends, he’s a good guy." about every other question she had ten sentences to say...and my Reggie Baby doesn't even get ten words?! Thats cuz I called this trick out on a lie!
See I would've liked her more if she wasn't trynna hide the obvious! This and This
W/e KIM!
She shouldve been on making the band instead!

Yes yall deelishis is now a singer, looks like she shouldve went and tried off for danity kane rather then tryna wins flav flavs heart since that didnt work out to well and she doesnt sound all that bad..but heres a link to her music video entitled "Rumpshaker"
"That Hurt So Bad"
The Fall
Pimp C..lmao...JAM!
In a recent radio interview pimp c goes off talking about neyo 50 cent, and butt holes lmao!!And mase being caught in a range rover wit some boy He speaks his mind and i find it to damn funny!! Hes prolly mad cuz his album has been pushed back since like decemeber lmao..but here is a quote about neyo from a interview he did with ozone magazine
"Pimp C on Ne-Yo: “I ain’t out here dressing up trying to be sexy licking my lips like old gay ass Ne-Yo. Licking lips and shit, nigga. Pussy dick in the booty ass nigga wearing all that gotdamn lip gloss at their video shoots and letting niggas put makeup on their face. Yeah, I said Ne-Yo, you heard what the fuck I said. Niggas putting all that lip gloss on they fuckin’ lips looking like they’ve just been eating a pork chop sandwich with no hands.”
R.E.’s Reaction: “Yo, this nucca is buggin’…(lmao).”
Listen to the whole interview here
Illegal Alien

It our favorite border hopper! Sike nah i dont like the gurl and think that she is totally overated! but hey umBURELLA was numba one so i guess someone likes it! But here she is on tha cover of vibe vixen, ill be happy when someone revokes her work visa, cus shes gettin on my nerves! SHELL NEVER BE BEYONCE!! DAMNIT and her and akon are going on tour lmao, if that aint a joke..wats it gonna be called? the immigration tour?? and ooo i gotta a idea instead of using ticket stubs they could give out lil fake greencards!! Ha but if you do decide to go to this tour i would make sure i get all my shots first...u never know now adays
This is what kids do these days?!
umm Please Just watch!!
Theeeen after doing 3 minutes of research I discovered that "Peer Pressure" as they call themselves has some competition...from...I lie to you not... the Fantasy Boiz!
Well see'n as both groups are talented...lmao...I'd have to go with the more practiced routine of the Fantasy Boiz...
The Curse of destiny!

First michelle, then kelly faints, now beyonce! Yes ms knowles has busted her ass, on her "Beyonce Experience Tour" she stopped in orlando tonight, july 24th and during her performance of ring the alarm, she fell face forward and busted her ass! But tha bad thing isnt even the fall, she was lip singing!!! A damn shame and it gets even better, once beyonce finsihes ringing her alarm she goes on to say "For all of you that are taping, please dont put that on youtube" LMAOO! Concertgoers said she made up for the fall tho, betta had charging people 120 a pop! Ill be attending this show on saturday so ill let you know how it goes! and ill also post the video of her fallin wenever it surfaces...itll be soon i kno..
Hmm i wonder wat beyonce doing now? Jayz prolly rubbing that ass down wit sum bengay if that fall is anything like i imagine lmao!!
Jk, i love me sum beyonce hints the reason im paying to see her, its just cool to make jokes cuz her ass is ok but damn im just waiting for beyonce michelle and kelly to all fall 2getha, get that shit over wit! But untill we get the new vid of beyonce falling check out tha old one from the destiny fullfilled tour
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
so a new name means....?!?

Monday, July 23, 2007
Inside Beckhams Welcome Party...

I kinda wish I was there...:(
Random Much?!?! From Rihanna to Scare Kim (but Afromuffs already went on her so I won't go there!)
haha and if you thought that was random Check This out!
Where has he been!?

Damn....Sun don't come without Rain pleasure without pain and....yea I don't remember the rest of that poem
But Just yesterday I was on my natural high of the return of Ja and his helper Weezy...but here they are BOTH in deep ish!
Both were arrested in NYC for possession of illegal weapons...and Weezy got caught for his green too!
Oh damn I hope they learn from this and umm don't get caught next time...cuz we all know they not gonna stop carrying
It just can't be summer love...

Awwness!! Finally a Hollywood couple I think will last...
Yes I'm aware that they aren't necessarily Alist but they are cutee
I guess I have high hopes because if her new hubby cheats...she whooping er'body ass and thats basically a promise...
Pics from the Flavor Flav Roast

DJ Spinderella from Salt'N Pepa made an appearance.
Former Flavorettes of Love Buckeey and Delishis came through to the event also. If I were Buckeey I would not be taking side profile pictures with Delishis right beside me cuz Delishis' butt puts everybody's booty to shame.

Everybody's favorite comedian these days, Katt Williams, showed up. His hair doesn't look as luxurious as it normally does tho.
No Words

Anticipating Trey Songz

Game Over..or is it?

In remembrance of Flip's more popular days here's a throwback video.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Other Side of the Story

Micheal Vick is krazy sick!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ja rule....da murder inc. coming back and to damn near gurantee a hit...his new single features Lil Wayne. Although Fluffy cent had recently reportedly called wayne a ho for jumping on er'body track...(he juss salty cuz his ass is playedddd out and he didn't even do half the songs weezy done did) weezy f. baby still makin that paper!!
Well bak to da Rule...I wish my best friend would comment on how I have been a loyal fan to JA. When hip hop turned their back on da boi cuz some fluffy coin sed he be "singing on his tracks" i sed so what!!! He's making hott music and its selling...who cares if its hood or not!! well anywayz...fluffy is a clown cuz now all he does is sing on his own tracks and others...(Eminem ridah for lyfe) we shud throw quarters at fluffy for being such a hypocrite!!
Well I'm glad Ja's back for like the third time lol I hope his album do good and that he can take ova again!! I'm sure he'll neva have it like he used too but I still be singing "between me and you" ahhh luv it
CHeck out his new single "uh oh" here.
I'll update on my thoughts but due to my surroundings I can't be so unprofessional...
I finally got to hear the track...sounds like he playing it safe and not going with the poppy catchy tunes he used in the early millenium...I still like it tho but I surprise really
I still wish him the best
He want dem ladies!!!!!!!!

Who's gonna be #1
Laurie Ann Speaks Out

Go on it!
its when I'm either having a bad mood or something I found pisses me off to the point I take all my energy to just GO ON IT!
Now this video of chris brown singing on seaseme street with Elmo is a tad...GAY! I understand fully its purpose (to educate children on reading signs and blazee blazee)
but still.....
If I ever thought Chris breezy was taking the pipe this would be the moment of confirmation for me...I wish I would see his happy ass running like he did in the first ten seconds of this film...I'd slap his knee with a nomorehomo stick...I kno he could of done this whole sketch a bit more manly...
Elmo...well eva since tickle me Elmo came out he's scared the fuccin shit outta me So basically this whole video is like my worst nitemare....Chris Brown acting as homo as wiping stool off his tool (that was so rated R lmaooo) and Elmo just being present
U all know I love Chris and don't really think he's gay...and elmo used to be cute so there! Don't take any actual offense to this...juss take some time out your day and GO ON IT!!
Special thx to our reader Courtz for showing me the vid
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Scream Tour 2007

The self-proclaimed King of the South T.I/T.I.P (U kno he schizo) and Ciara (Like a boy-her words not mines) are the big headliners
Other artist include Tpain, Lloyd, and Yung Joc
Damn...I never got to go to one of these Scream Tours and the one I get a free ticket too theres no Chris Brown?!?! That would happen to me!!
Anywayz...should be good...I'll give you a first hand scoop afterwards...I'm going to the Aug.18th show'n....Do u think it'll be good?!
Its his Prerogative!!!

Blair...that is all

Its a murder mystery and has supposedly has enough drama to keep you turning pages...
I do enjoy reading so I may have to cop me a book before this summer is over!!
0o0o0o0o!! When they make the movie version (which i'm sure they will) I want to play the reporter (his luvvv interest ;)
The moral of this post...GO READ A BOOK FOR ONCE!
but before you read anything watch this video of him talking bout the book....and if ur not interested ffwd to 1:00 when the chick talks bout when she first met Blair...ahhh!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Youtube is da ish...

Wow...the Diddy takeover continues...
If your not in the know...such as Afromuffs and probably don't know Diddy posted a Youtube clip asking fans and interested parties to upload 3 minute videos on why he should choose them to be his personal assistant. He got over 10,000 videos!!
"This is not a joke, I'm trying to give a chance to somebody who is out there to be my personal assistant to help me to be the best and maybe I can help them to be the best. That's what this thing is about, helping each other out."
I may watch his shows...but I wouldn't ever dare be his assistant. A close friend...OK maybe not close but we talked once...use to be an assistant of his and walked in on some homo type activities...
Most do know of his ways....hence the pinkish pic i posted...haha BUT...diddy fans are in more denial then Clay Aiken I'm not saying anything more
That was Quick :/

"Word has it that Imus has been out at comedy clubs looking for an African American comic to serve as his sidekick and to keep him in check should any racial jokes pop up, the Post reports."
hahaha I think this is hilarious...I'm sure NAACP is furious but honestly alittle bit of opinion won't set back Black America any futher then B.E.T's Hot Ghetto Mess
I juss hope Imus doesn't get cursed out at one of those black comedy shows....He should of had a reality show for this one...
Tyrone much??

"Remember what the Bible says: He who is without sin, cast the first rock. And I shall smoketh it."
Monday, July 16, 2007
Reality T.V Doggie Style

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The victim in the case (Makeda Barnes-Joseph) is to the right of Remy Ma in the first pic, second pic shows the escalade the weave monster crashed while trying to flee the incident, and the bottom right pic shows where the shooting went down.
Remy has reportedly pleaded Not Guilty...
ummmm yeaa!
I Ain't Sayin She a Golddigga But....

Since Kim Porter and Puff Daddy split, Puff Daddy may be looking to pay $100,000 a month in child support for his three children with her. This comes to about 1.2 million dollars a year.
WOWZA!! This chick got the golddiggin game on lock. Point blank period. First she has a child with Al B. Sure in his heyday to get a little bank. Then he falls off and she moves on to Puffy, a million dollar mogul with staying power. She has a child with him to cash in a little bit. Then he leaves her for J-Lo. When him and J-Lo bust up she's right there waiting for her golden opportunity. Some time passes and they get back together and she has twin girls. JACKPOT. She ain't gotta marry him now she got three kids by him, and two will be getting checks for the next seventeen and a half years.
I find it highly suspicious that she finally leaves him after having her last two children. She was cool with him dippin out on her for the past ten years. She was talking about how good their relationship was in Essence mag and that E! True Hollwywood Story about Hip Hop wives. She even took him back after he professed his love for J-Lo. And now she wants to leave him. That chick new what she was doin. And if Puffy fell for it, that's on him. Best of luck to them raisin their kids tho.
Mr.Sexy Himself!

B.E.T Mistake
B.E.T's new show Hot Ass Mess is just that....and People are angry about it...Talk about it!
Preview for the show here!
attempted whaaa...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Peanut Butter n J.A.M

Some stupid Interview...
"You know what, when the whole gay rumor [surfaced,] people were telling me, 'You're nobody till they think you're gay.'I'm adding this to that. Now that Karrine Steffans has claimed me, I guess I've officially arrived. I've made the second book, cool."
I'm mad u gotta be allegedly gay to have "made it" and urrr KARRINE STEFFANS IS A FUCCIN respect necessary so why does he feel as if he's arrived?!
ughhh I didn't know ppl were actually proud to be in that sinful nasty tell-all...
he's nutty....hence the title
UPDATE- Gay-yo says Karrine is a lying bitch...ok so maybe not all that...but he does say she's lying
From one Group to the Next

