Is anybody else upset Lewis aka Drey Skonie got kicked off from Making the Band 4. For real yall I was crying, seriously tears were pouring down my face. (I get a little sensitive sometimes) That was not a good move on Diddy's part. He kicked out the sexiest dude in the house. How dare he?! Plus Dre could sing and dance. Diddy knew he was sick, the dude was suffering from strep throat and he was sweating throughout the nights and he still gave his all and performed. The first time they give Dre a little airtime they kick him off. After I had been checkin for him the first three episodes. Boo. The show is just not the same to me anymore. And the fact that he tried to argue his way back into the house after he got kicked out. Shows his heart. That dude is gonna have a career after this show. I guarantee it. To support Drey you can visit his myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/dskonie.
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