Everyone's favorite Black groupie..urr Kim Kardashian gave an exclusice interview to one of my fav blogs...
It went kind of as expected...she claims she doesn't reeli do all those awful groupie activities and claims that she has some relevance in hollywood with her fashion business...
For those who don't know the trick...I mean CHICK...she was previously married from age 19-22 and when that ended she started dating Ray J exclusively...around the same time her famous father got sick.
Read the interview here!
All in all I did get a better understanding of her...well her constant presence and learned that she reads Bossip more then I do haha! buttt The only part I think was a tad shady was when he asked about my Reggie Baby
"Marv: Reggie Bush?
Kim: Um, We’re friends, he’s a good guy."
woooooow....er...how about every other question she had ten sentences to say...and my Reggie Baby doesn't even get ten words?! Thats cuz I called this trick out on a lie!
See I would've liked her more if she wasn't trynna hide the obvious! This and This
W/e KIM!
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