Friday, September 7, 2007

Foxy + Jail = 1 Year

Foxy Brown was sentenced to a year in jail today, September 7th.

According to the Associated Press, Brown appeared in court today (September 7) in shackles and begged Jackson for a chance to be freed, promising to straighten out her life.

"I'm willing to do whatever I need to do to change," Brown said. "I realize that's not where I want to be. It's humbled me in ways I never imagined."

The judge denied her request and sentenced her to remain in jail for another year.

Foxy ended up in jail for violating her probation.

Probation Department lawyer Matilda Leo revealed that the aforementioned indictment charges Brown with second and third degree assault, attempted second degree assault and criminal possession of a weapon, the cell phone.

Leo also read out four violations the Probation Department filed against Brown which included leaving New York twice and changing her address from Brooklyn to Mahwah, New Jersey without notifying the court or the Probation Department.

Clinical psychologist Carol L. Friedland also tesfied that Brown stopped attending
sessions with her and she was unable to contact the rapper to learn why.

So this means she is probably going to have her baby in jail.



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