Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Amy Where art thou?

Because Amy Winehouse is a shitty mess...I mean currently wasting talent...Damn ok somewhere attempting to get her life together she has been temporarily replaced. Well I mean she can only piss of fans and others in the industry for so long. So Mark Ronson went ahead and shot the video for Valerie, which Amy already recorded the tracks for. He wasn't about to let her f*ck his sh*t up so he just ahead and used look alikes. I guess they not cool no more...? hmm developing...
But check out the vid...the songs really nice



Anonymous said...

wale's is in this video, that's wassup. he bout to go national. but anyways lots o laughs at amy lookalike

Anonymous said...

Oh yea I did mean to mentioned that...how the hell did that happen...aint Mark Ronson English or w/e?!