I always knew white people were secretly obsessed with everything black, they don't teach that in any school I know of...
but I found this article about some white boi who tells why he liked going to an HBCU and it makes a lot of sense.
If we had a larger fan based I'd ask for yallz opinion but fair enough we only started like a few weeks ago SO if anyone would care to leave a comment please do so!
**HBCU EXPERIMENT**........So there was one white boi who stayed in a Howard University Dorm and he was the only white boy in that building. No lie dude listened to country music and had that damn confederate flag posted on his wall (and no he clearly wasn't a racist) So I had just had to ask "My dude WHY are you here?!?" and he looked at me and tilted his straw hat and crossed one leg over the other as he leaned on the wall. The sweat was rolling down his shirtless back as he peered at me with a grin..."For the girls ...wat else?!" haha ok maybe I OD but he did say he was there for the girls...hahah ok byee
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