Chris Brown recently denied his relationship with Rihanna in a MTV interview.
Chris Brown rather states, “I have a close friend but it’s not like a relationship, I’m not trying to settle down, I’m only 18 so I’m just trying to live my life and have fun.”
Sounds like he's just trying to protect his fan's feelings by calling Rihanna a jumpoff.
Remember Chris' vibe interview last year where he is describing his multiple girlfriends. Maybe he and Rihanna have that type of relationship. He said...
"I’ve had girlfriends, but it’s different … Like, you don’t be like, ‘That’s my girl,’ but you know when you hang with her, it’s like … friends with benefits. If I’m singling out one girl, think about all the other girls who are falling in love with me in that club. What they gon’ think? So it’s like, I have a relationship with every girl. It’s like every girl is my girlfriend."
So Rihanna isn't his only girlfriend you guys. We are all in a relationship with Chris Brown!!!!! *SMH*
Just be honest with us Chris Breezy, you are jumping Rihanna's bones.
hey chris your so hott i love kiss+kiss love you ash:]xxx
chris brown is too damn sexxy for rilhanna i am not a hater but she have a baby by jayz so i have heard plus she is to old 4 him and i think he needs some one his own age like me but no i do not hate on her i just do not like her but i like her music.
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