An after party that is......Check out the celebs who were in attendance for the movie "This Christmas" after party.....

H.T.I.C. {Head Tranny in Charge} Ms. New York herself stopped by. let me stop hating. I do watch "I Love New York." I catch the eighteen million reruns they show on VH1, cuz I can't watch the episode premieres because they come on at the same time as "The Game." "The Game" trumps everything, except maybe "The Wire."

Here we got the young Chris Breezy hugging up on the fabulous Jennifer Lewis (loves her). Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Chris Brown has some big teeth...At least they aren't yellow.

Regina King and Malcolm Jamal Warner aka Theo Huxtable are looking quite close. I'm sure they are just friends tho. They both have been in the industry for a long time. But can somebody tell me why Malcolm is rocking an S-curl in the front and dreadlocks in the back. Is that the black man's version of a mullet.

Mekhi Pfeiffer is beginning to lose his sexy. He is looking all bloated and ashy. He actually kind of looks like New York in this pic, or might I say New York's tranny looking self looks like Mekhi. It's not just not fair to stand him next to the sexiness that is Idris Elba. That dude has mad swag.
OMG...NY looks a hot mess...she was good on niptuck tho...
i love me some MJW! it would be really cute if him and regina were kickin it like that. i love em both. great actors. great people. I LOVE ME SOME MJW! AHH!
and thats just a bad pic of mekhi
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