Thursday, December 27, 2007
Lying through his teeth!
I don't believe him but I've spoken to others who thought he might be lying in the first tapes.
Here is how I know he's the second video I posted with his brother talking on the phone with Chris he says "I'm not like that anymore. I've changed" Granted he could have been speaking on anything but you know my detail providing ass knows better...
waiting for Marcus Houston to make a statement
Monday, December 24, 2007
Ok that was wrong but check out this video clip for a new reality show of Raz B claiming Chris Stokes molested him, his brothers, and others. He claims to have been touched and forced to participate in orgy activites.
I don't know...I could see it...I mean Lou Pearlmen did it to Nsync and them other bands
P.S is it bad that I'm hoping Chris Brown wasn't molested is!!!
RIcky ROmance...Raz B older brother....this is too crucial
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Quincy's B-day Party
Well Quincy's party went down last night in the ATL and it was a star-studded event. Peep the pics below. I don't see his biological father Al. B Sure anywhere in these pictures. What's up with that?

Quincy and his moms Kim Porter and and "stepdaddy" Sean "Puffy" Combs.

Diddy's sons with young Chris Breezy and his big ole teeth.

Ay Bay Bay, Ay Bay By. Didn't his 15 minuts of fame run out like half an hour ago.

Quincy getting it in with Diamond of Crime Mob.

Monica's man Rocko performed. I guess since she's not selling records anymore somebody has to put some food on the table.

The terrific twosome Bow and Omarion performed.
If you feel as though you missed anything, his party will air as an episode of My Super Sweet Sixteen on MTV.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Looky here
Cheri Dennis - "Portrait of Love"
Online pool for Winehouse's demise

Times must be bad when people are having online pool of when you are going to die. Poor Amy, she just can't seem to get it together, and her fans know this. Thus why someone created a website letting people predict the date she will die. J.A.M.
So not cool. I know Amy is living life on the edge but this website just sounds like a cruel idea. To make matters worse they said they are giving away an iPod Touch to the winner. What is the world coming to?
If this is website is a joke, it is a very bad joke.
Get it together Amy.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Congratulations Will!

I love his career and I'm so excited he finally got his prints on that hollywood strip of...whatever purpose it serves...
"I'm humble, I'm honored, my heart is just beating right now," said an emotional Smith, 39. "I don't really understand it -- I'm not used to feeling like that ... There's something in the concrete about being etched into the fiber of Hollywood."
And because I'm addicted to movies you can imagine how badly I want to see "I am Legend"
Ike Turner passes

"Turner, who became more known for beating his former wife and music icon, Tina Turner, died Wednesday at his home in suburban San Diego, according to reports. He was 76."
Sad news...we send our condolences
Monday, December 10, 2007
Bow Wow's Appendix Problems

So news reports have been circulating of Bow Wow being rushed to the hospital recently for stress due to touring and strenuous work schedule. Well the actual cause of the hospital stay is.........a problem with Bow's appendix. Apparently his appendix is infected. Get well soon Bow Wow.
But in other Bow Wow news, why is he on "The Tyra Banks Show" talking about sex? Why is Tyra molesting Lil' Bow Wow? The following clips is just wrong to look at. But to those of you who actually care about Bow Wow's sex life, here you go....
Lil Bow Wow has a crush on Eve, who woulda thunk it? That would just be some serious child molestation if they were to start dating.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Sean Taylor Murder Suspect...

This is Eric Rivera, the 17 year old being charged with the murder of Red Skins safety Sean Taylor. He hasn't admitted to actually shooting the NBA star but his lawyers are seeking a plea deal.
"When the State Attorney's Office is ready, we would like to sit down and begin discussion with them so we can move towards a resolution in the case that has the best interest of all parties in mind,"
Are you kidding me? Please charge him as an adult and send him on his way. I have no mercy for shameless crimes especially those of murder!
Go head kanye

He topped the grammy nominations with 8 nods.
Right behind him was Amy Crackhouse errr Whinehouse with a total of 6.
I'm expecting Kanye to win at least 7 of those based on his music alone.
Chris Brown in New Movie

Supposedly Chris Breezy is set to star in anew movie about being a basketball player with Vanessa Williams and Henry Simmons. He's gonna be the illegitimate son of NBA player. Interesting. I know BabyD will go see it.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Looky here

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Didn't know they actually existed
Monday, December 3, 2007
'Retha looking rough