Times must be bad when people are having online pool of when you are going to die. Poor Amy, she just can't seem to get it together, and her fans know this. Thus why someone created a website letting people predict the date she will die. J.A.M.
So not cool. I know Amy is living life on the edge but this website just sounds like a cruel idea. To make matters worse they said they are giving away an iPod Touch to the winner. What is the world coming to?
If this is website is a joke, it is a very bad joke.
Get it together Amy.
I don't really understand the point...
People now wishes someone death for an ipod!!!
Where are we going through.
These kind of jerks are sick, not Amy.
Amy lives, and allways will.
yo, am i the only one that doesn't think Amy should "Get it together." i mean honestly, how much insight do we REALLY have on whats goin on in her life? we only get a one-sided depiction of her and im sick of everyone goin after the carrot the media is danglin over our heads. for real. LET AMY COME TO TERMS IN HER OWN WAY. and besides, shes a brit, england is WAY different from america. so how are we really to tell her whats right/wrong.
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