On all but like 2 episodes someone has gotten into a an argument, and this past tuesday Tanisha and Jennavecia finally "popped off" and got in a physical fight. Not that I am perpetuating violence but hey if a fight finds its way onto my television set then I'm not turning the channel.
Anyways, the cast of season 2 was on The Tyra Show tuesday.... and the Drama continued. Watch it and enjoy people. I don't think you have to have seen an episode of the show to enjoy the Tyra clips, but I am speaking as a diehard fan.
BTW Neveen is the most annoying and fakest chick ever. She is a pure hater........ and Lyric is the coolest. Darlen is chill too.
i love neveen shes gorgeous. and she doesnt have a filter. just like tanisha. i mean the show is called bad girls club so duh they are gonna be "bad." but at least those two can be straight up. bad or good. the others.... not so much.
and she had the right idea. you really cant trust anyone. youre gonna be under constant attack so its like, be armed and ready for the battle.
GO HYEENA SISTERS! or whatever the fuck they was called.
nooo nooo forget the hyeena sisters...ugh they all fake all of em....my girl was lyric...she kept it the realiest
ugh tanisha n neveen can go drown somewhere
I absolutely loved Jennavecia now i think shes just stupid with the whole job thing girl you gotta work the job to stay in the house. and also i love my girl Darleen she is beautiful and can bring it while she backs her shit up. Lyric was amazing i love her spirit. Hannah is kinda cool but she is a bitch. .. . . . and neveen like wtf is up with her squinting all the time she is majorly crazy and she has problems
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